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The city was founded by King John I at the same time as the construction of his monastery began.

Do not miss it


The monastery whose official name is Convento de Santa Maria da Vitória, a UNESCO World Heritage Site




Tourist Office : Praça Mouzinho de Albuquerque, Batalha Portugal

Phone : +351 244 765 180


What to visit in Batalha ?

The monastery of Batalha / Mosteiro da Batalha

Approximately 20 km from Alcobaça, the 14th-century Bathala Monastery or Convento de Santa Maria da Vitória is a pearl of Gothic architecture. Its construction was requested by the King of Portugal finally to commemorate the victory of the Portuguese over the Spaniards at the Battle of Aljubarrota (1385). It is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Do not miss: the nave, the royal cloister and the chapter house.

Address: Largo Infante Dom Henrique, 2440 Batalha, Portugal

Phone : +351 244765497

Web :

The Interpretation Center of the Battle of Aljubarrota Centro de Interpretação da Batalha de Aljubarrota

Since 2002, the Foundation has been created with the aim of safeguarding the heritage of the Battle of Aljubarrota.
The center includes an exhibition area of 900 m2, dedicated to the battle of Aljubarrota with these archaeological discoveries on the battlefield, as well as a multimedia montage reconstructing the Battle and the events that gave birth to it.
An education area of 1,500 m2 (indoor and outdoor), with a varied educational program as well as a temporary exhibition area.
On site a cafeteria and a picnic park is available.

Address : Avenida Dom Nuno Alvares Pereira No 120 | São Jorge, Batalha 2440-197, Portugal

Phone : +351 244 480 060

Web :

The sensory ecopark of the sink of the bear / 

Ecoparque Sensorial de Pia do Urso

Located in São Mamede in Batalha, this theme park is specially designed for the blind. It has a natural environment and several infrastructures, accompanied by a pedestrian route. Ideal for walking and relaxing.

Address : Pia do Urso, Batalha, Portugal

The museum of the community of Batalha /

Museu da Comunidade Concelhia da Batalha

The city museum is based on the new trend of museology. It stands out as a center of living culture, bringing together the functions of research, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, representing the way of life of local populations.

Address: Largo Goa, Damão e Diu 4, 2440-901 Batalha, Portugal

Near Bathala :

The Natural Park of Serras de Aire e Candeeiros

On an area of 35,000 hectares, this protected area is located in the limestone massif of Estremadure.
On the program: caves, caves, natural formations, various fauna and flora.
The visit of the caves arranged for the tourists is possible.

Address of headquarters : Rua Dr. Augusto César Silva Ferreira - Apartado 190 2040-215 Rio Maior

Phone : +351 243 999 480 

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