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"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step ..."

Learn a little more ...

  • Who I am ?
    Student in France, I prepare a BTS (certificate of higher technician) tourism in sandwich course. In addition to studying, I am employed in a travel agency as a consultant for a client group formed. Passionate about the world of travel, culture and heritage, it is natural that I went to this training. During these two years, new fields such as multimedia and event invite me, after obtaining my BTS, to continue my studies, always in sandwich course, with a professional license.
  • Who I am ?
    Student in France, I prepare a BTS (certificate of higher technician) tourism in sandwich course. In addition to studying, I am employed in a travel agency as a consultant for a client group formed. Passionate about the world of travel, culture and heritage, it is natural that I went to this training. During these two years, new fields such as multimedia and event invite me, after obtaining my BTS, to continue my studies, always in sandwich course, with a professional license.
  • Why create a website ?
    I created this site as part of my Tourist Information Management event. Having taken the multimedia option, I had the project to create my own website. In addition to my website I developed two social networks that are Instagram and Facebook.
  • Why create a website ?
    I created this site as part of my Tourist Information Management event. Having taken the multimedia option, I had the project to create my own website. In addition to my website I developed two social networks that are Instagram and Facebook.
  • Why choose the Leiria region ?
    I often had the opportunity to travel there during my childhood. The region of Leiria is a place in Portugal that is particulary appreciate and that I want to discover to those who do not know it. Returning during the summer of 2017, it is natural that I choose this destination for my project.
  • Why choose the Leiria region ?
    I often had the opportunity to travel there during my childhood. The region of Leiria is a place in Portugal that is particulary appreciate and that I want to discover to those who do not know it. Returning during the summer of 2017, it is natural that I choose this destination for my project.
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